Photos, Illustrations, and Links Relating to Dale Parson's 2018-2019 Sabbatical Leave Application
    It uses the word state of a Scrabble game built in my Java programming classes to synthesize electronic music.
Link to gallery home page
Reading Eagle article about student programmers/performers from October 2009.

"Chess-based Composition and Improvisation for Non-musicians," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, p. 157-158, paper and interactive demo, Pittsburgh, June 4-6, 2009.

"Algorithmic Musical Improvisation from 2D Board Games," Proceedings of the 2010 International Computer Music Conference, New York City and Stony Brook, NY, June 1-5, 2010.

This is a shot of KU grad students Michael A. Williams, Nelya Storozhyshina,
Radhika Vunnam and Dylan Schwesinger demonstrating the Scrabble-to-MIDI system at the
October 2010 PACT Conference for the KU Trustees and PASSHE Board of Governors.

Millersville students and department chair David Hutchens before
performing Scrabble-to-MIDI to a hall full of students at the above
annual symposium in April 2010.

A poster for the first planetarium event, free & open to public, in 2011: